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Wente Scout Reservation

Wente's "downtown" area with Dining Hall on the left and Admin Building on the right.

Dimond-W Campsite (Loomer Subcamp)

The Dimond-W Campsite was developed in 2010 to expand the number of camping areas at Wente Scout Reservation. Dimond-W gets its name from Camp Dimond which was the original summer camp of the Oakland Area Council from 1919 until 1948 and Camp Dimond-O which was the Outpost camp of Camp Dimond.  The Dimond-W site is also known as Site 14. Dimond-W is part of the Loomer Subcamp camping area.

Entrance to Dimond W campsite.
Scouts hanging out in Dimond W campsite.
Dimond W campsite.


Sea Scouts




Shooting Sport


Scouting for Food

Order of the Arrow

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